The Public Affairs and Outreach Division (PAO) is a team of personnel trained in Public Information, Fire Prevention, First Aid, and other specialty training programs for the public. EMFT believes that fire-related deaths and property loss can be reduced through public education and outreach. Our team is available seven days a week to provide training classes to schools, workplaces, civic organizations, churches, or any other group.

The PAO Division is divided into three sections:
Community Outreach Section:
- Provides fire prevention training to civic organizations, schools, businesses, and other organizations.
- Organizes community events, neighborhood group meetings, and fire prevention programs, including smoke detector installations and safety visits.
- Facilitates fire drills in schools, preschools, and local businesses in the area.
- Coordinates fire station tours.
- A long-term goal is to host a citizen’s fire academy in the future.
Life Safety Section:
- Youth Firesetter Program.
- Infant and Juvenile Car Seat safety.
- CPR Instruction.
- Stop the Bleed.
- Other community-based life safety education programs.
Public Affairs Section:
- Coordinates with media organizations.
- Drafts and disseminates all written and oral press briefings.
- Maintains the department’s website as a communication tool for community outreach.
- Utilizes various social media platforms to effectively reach all age groups with community outreach, life safety, and other department-related communications.
- Provides on-scene coordination with media partners to communicate life safety-related messages to the public.
To schedule a firehouse tour, speaking event, or to speak with a Public Information Officer for EMFT, please call 765-378-7255 or email