Tactical Support Unit 49 (TSU49) was put in service on Saturday December 10, 2022. The main purpose of this apparatus is to provide rehab support for firefighters, as well as other first responders on working incidents. This truck is equipped with snacks, hydration supplies, heating equipment, as well as cooling equipment. In addition to the rehab supplies, it is also stocked with additional Self Contained Breathing Apparatus (aka SCBA) bottles to support fire operations. TSU49 responds to all working incidents within the East Madison Fire Territory as well as any mutual aid request.
Prior to putting TSU49 in service, this apparatus was used as Rescue 49 for EMFT Station 40. After the merger of Station 40 and Station 50, this apparatus was taken out of service, and the decision was made to repurpose the apparatus to better meet the needs of the department and our citizens of East Madison Fire Territory.
This truck started out as a Snub Nose walk around rescue in the early 90’s. In the mid-early 2000’s, the box was removed and put on a standard cab chassis (same current chassis). Around 2015-2016 that original box was replaced with the current box on the second chassis. the apparatus has been modified several times to create a whole new truck!