East Madison Fire Territory Achieves Improved ISO Rating

Date: June 13, 2023
Time: 3:00 PM
Contact: Todd Harmeson, PIO (765) 602-5402

East Madison Fire Territory Achieves Improved ISO Rating

Madison County, IN – East Madison Fire Territory is excited to announce a significant improvement in our Insurance Services Office (ISO) ratings for areas of Union Township and Richland Township that are more than 1000 feet away from a fire hydrant. This would include many areas of the two Townships. Effective September 1, 2023, these improvements are expected to result in a reduction in fire insurance premiums for our valued residents and businesses.

The ISO rating is used to evaluate Fire Departments in areas like 911 dispatch systems, fire department staffing, training, equipment, and finally on available water or hydrant systems. The ratings go from a Class 1 which is the very best, to a Class 10 which means no fire station within 5 miles of the property. The ratings directly affect property insurance rates for most carriers.

Our diligent efforts and commitment to enhancing fire protection services have paid off, leading to a remarkable improvement in our ISO ratings. Previously the areas without fire hydrant protection were a Class 9 rating. This is common for vast majority of Fire Departments nationwide in areas with no fire hydrants close by. The new rating for these areas is now a Class 5. That is a significant improvement for the residents in businesses in the rural parts of Union and Richland Townships.

Additionally, we are proud to announce that for structures within 1,000 feet of a fire hydrant, our fire territory has moved from a Class 4 to a Class 3 rating, coming incredibly close to attaining a prestigious Class 2 rating. The department is already working on steps to get to the Class 2 rating for areas with fire hydrants within the next 1-2 years.

The positive impact of these improved ISO ratings will be reflected in the reduced fire insurance premiums our residents can expect. Lower premiums not only provide financial relief but also highlight the effectiveness of our fire protection initiatives.Residents and business owners are encouraged to reach out to their respective insurance companies after the September 1st effective date to ensure the proper rating is being applied to their properties.

East Madison Fire Territory remains committed to maintaining and improving our fire protection services to the highest standards. The ISO rating improvements are a testament to the dedication and hard work of our exceptional firefighting team, whose relentless efforts have enhanced our capabilities and earned the trust of our community.
